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HomeNewsGames NewsGames Workshop is hiring miniatures designers for Warhammer: The Old World

Games Workshop is hiring miniatures designers for Warhammer: The Old World

Warhammer: The Old World remains something of a mystery. Although Games Workshop’s upcoming revival of Warhammer Fantasy Battle has been teased in snippets and tidbits since 2019, a lot of questions about its particulars remain hanging in the air. However, a job advert posted on Games Workshop’s online jobs board last week has given us one more hint of what to expect from the upcoming tabletop game: fresh miniatures.

The Warhammer maker is on the lookout for several ‘miniatures designers’ to work as part of its Specialist Design Studio creating new plastic and resin models for Blood Bowl, Horus Heresy, Necromunda, and – biggest of all – Warhammer: The Old World. The role involves creating digital miniature designs that complement, and are consistent with, the product lines, while taking the designs from conception right the way through to the finished product.

The job description says the role will involve creating initial concept designs, transforming them into digital prototype models, before engineering the designs for production. Several positions are being advertised, and the skills of the successful candidates will determine which product line they work on.

This is the first official suggestion that Games Workshop is in the process of designing new miniatures for Warhammer: The Old World. A Warhammer Community article posted back in July revealed the game would let players use their old Warhammer Fantasy Battle armies as well as add “new miniatures to old armies”, but gave no hint as to what stage Games Workshop had reached in the design or production of these original minis. This jobs post suggests the design of new Fantasy miniatures is in full swing, or will begin shortly alongside the new hires.

The creation of new miniatures for The Old World might not come as a surprise to fans who have been closely following the game. It will introduce several new factions that never received fully-fledged armies in the original Warhammer Fantasy Battle, including the Viking-esque forces of Kislev, and the Imperial Chinese-inspired army of Cathay. In fact, Games Workshop has previously revealed that it’s created tabletop rules for every Cathay unit, in partnership with the developers of the upcoming Warhammer videogame Total War: Warhammer 3.

With new factions come new miniatures. We’ll have to wait and see whether original minis will also be created for other Fantasy Battle armies for which many older sprues exist.

Check out the official job ad online and find all the detail of the game with our comprehensive Warhammer: The Old World guide. If you want to travel forwards in time within the Mortal Realms, read our Age of Sigmar armies guide.

Source: Wargamer

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