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Mad Cave Reveals Bundles for Black Friday

This week at Mad Cave Studios, action, horror, sci-fi, and escapism are bundled up and tied with a bow!  In addition to exclusive title bundles for, Honor and CurseKnights of the Golden Sun, and Legends of Valderia, fans are invited to explore new genres, discover different series, expand your collection, or find the perfect gift for your friends and family with these mindfully curated bundles.  Each bundle has its own unique theme, and comes with a free surprise variant!

From fun adventures, to planet hopping dangers, the sci-fi Beyond the Stars Bundle is filled with a colorful spectacle and out of this world scope!

Includes: Stargazer Vol. 1,  Becstar Issues #1-5,  They Fell From The Sky Issues #1-5

Beyond the Stars Bundle

A monster lurks within all of us… In the They Come Out at Night horror bundle, you’ll discover those that reject the monster within, while others embrace it.

Includes: Wolvenheart Vol. 1,  Show’s End Issues #1-5

They Come Out at Night

Growing up is never easy in the Fight the System Bundle, you’ll see exactly why that is the case for these certain groups of teens!

Includes: Dry Foot Vol. 1, Pantomime Vol. 1, Terminal Punks Vol. 1

Fight the System

In Mad Cave’s action-packed Vigilante Justice bundle, characters with extraordinary abilities are pushed to their limits. With little to no help, they’re the only ones who can save the day!

Includes: Villainous Vol. 1, Hellfighter Quin Vol. 1, RV9 Vol. 1

Vigilante Justice

They may not be the brightest, toughest, or believe in themselves all that much, but these heroes hold their own destinies in their hands. Dive into Mad Cave’s Adventure Underdogs Bundle!

Includes: Over the Ropes TPB, Hollywood Trash #1-5

Underdogs Bundle

From the infamous Robin Hood to the classic western tale, the Reimagined Genera Bundle brings a mad twist to the classic stories we all know and love!

Includes: Savage Bastards Vol. 1, Midnight Task Force Vol. 1, Nottingham #1-5

Reimagined Genera Bundle

Source: Graphic Policy

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