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HomeMiniature WargamesWarhammer 40kWarhammer 40K: Let’s Talk Custodes, GSC, T’au and the Meta

Warhammer 40K: Let’s Talk Custodes, GSC, T’au and the Meta

Adam here talking all about the exciting new stuff coming for Custodes, GSC, T’au and how it could affect the 40K competitive meta.

Things seem to be moving at a good pace. Hot on the heels of the latest Octarius Campaign book, comes the second part of that campaign with even more armies and updates. If that still isn’t enough. Games Workshop also finally showed us, to the surprise of no one, what the December books were and even hinted at T’au early next year. We have seen a little bit of what the new characters can do for both Genestealer Cult and Custodes, but we haven’t heard anything about the T’au yet, except maybe what we have seen in the new Kill Team box. This week we will have wild speculation as we discuss what we are looking forward to in the new codexes and how they may interact with the game.

Adeptus Custodes

One thing I am curious about with the new codex is if the durability of the army remains. I know that the army is one of the more durable ones in the game, and they need to be with so few models in the army. Hopefully, they get a little bit of a boost since the game has become so much deadlier than when the 8th edition codex came out. The other thing I look to see is how they integrate the Sisters of Silence into the codex. I’m hoping they flesh out the units a bit more so maybe we will see if there is a new HQ unit for the Sisters of Silence in case you wanted to have a whole detachment, or even an army, of them.

Finally, I always look forward to what new units and models are there for the army. We have already seen the new Blade Champion and he is a beast. I hope there are a couple more new units, whether it’s for Custodes themselves or Sisters of Silence, to fill out the book and maybe not have them so reliant on Forgeworld models/units.

Genestealer Cult

I think one of the biggest questions for this army is “What happens with the blips mechanic?” It’s quite possible that it could go away, knowing Games Workshop. I always thought that it was an interesting mechanic and that it was very much in keeping with the theme of the army. There are a lot of other questions here and a lot of variables to consider. Are they still going to operate the same way? Will they actually hit hard? How much will their stratagems change?

The new Reductus Saboteur looks like a cool model but I am not sure how good it actually is just yet without seeing her stats. I really expect the army to hit a bit harder than they do now and can hopefully have answers for some of the heavy hitter codexes out there. I assume that the stratagems will remain mostly the same but I really want to see more stratagems that complement their subversive nature. Fingers crossed.


We don’t know anything about the book except what we can try to speculate from the Kill Team box. Shield Drone spam was nerfed even before the latest edition so it is really up in the air as to what the codex may contain. I really hope they have better ballistic skill. Not getting that, hopefully they have a way to easier improve their ballistic skills. Since we have an updated Pathfinder team I hope that they update some of their other models. I expect some of the auxiliary troops will get a boost as we rarely see Kroot or Vespids on the battlefield anymore. Being able to field a viable all Kroot army would definitely bring back memories of the old Chapter Approved rules for them.

I won’t be surprised if Games Workshop makes the battlesuits in general better since it is what they do. We saw this back in 7th edition when the Riptides were everywhere with their Eldar Wraithknight buddies. Hopefully Games Workshop will be able to find some balance so that the army is not as oppressive. Not sure how, or if, they change the For the Greater Good rule. It is a huge benefit for the army but I’m not sure if it needs to be toned down. As always, as we get closer to release we will see more information.

~That’s all for this week.  I hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think, and your hopes and wishes for these codexes, in the comment section below.

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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