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HomeTabletop RPGD&D: Make Haste! Kickstarter for ‘Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition’ Ending Soon

D&D: Make Haste! Kickstarter for ‘Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition’ Ending Soon

Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition ruleset will change the way you play D&D. Its Kickstarter is in the homestretch– time to back is running out.

The Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Kickstarter has shown just how hungry folks are for crunchier combats, more character depth, and new options. And it does all this while still hewing to the streamlined design principles of 5th Edition.

With three books that aim to upgrade your 5th Edition experience, the A5E ruleset will Level Up your game. It adds depth– but not complexity. And with almost three-quarters of a million dollars raised, the Kickstarter campaign has already been a massive success.

At press time, the campaign has unlocked multiple stretch goals. Backers gain access to perks like integrated Roll20 character sheets, an online hyperlinked rules repository, a full directory of spells, magic items, combat maneuvers, monsters, and more.

All of that stuff is pretty useful. But even more exciting are the new feats that allow you to play as a character who slowly becomes a Vampire, Werewolf, or the new Artificer class.

Level Up: 5th Edition via EN World

After two years of extensive public playtests and surveys involving thousands of players, and input from our active community, we have completely overhauled the 5E game system. From redesigned classes to a full exploration pillar, we’ve revisited every aspect of the game to present this new standalone game, fully compatible with the 5th Edition core rules.

  • Core set. The core set consists of three books — the Adventurer’s Guide (characters, and the core rules), Trials & Treasure (magic items, exploration and journeys, and gamemastery), and the Monstrous Menagerie (monsters!)
  • A little more. For those who want more, there are two more books — Adventures in ZEITGEIST (a world/setting book) and Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters (a book of legendary heroes and villains from our own world’s myths and cultures).
  • These are modular enough so that if you just want the monsters, or our new class overhauls, or our exploration rules, you can buy a single book. It’s all compatible with 5E and will work with your other 5E books!

Advanced 5th Edition: The Adventurer’s Guide

There are three books all in all. The Adventurer’s Guide is a handbook for adventurers and their players. It’s a standalone guide for Level Up. It includes all the rules for creating characters and taking them on heroic adventures.

This core rulebook includes:

  • a unique origin system that allows you to select your heritage, culture, background, and destiny
  • full rules for combat and adventuring
  • hundreds of spells (including dozens of new ones), combat maneuvers, exploration knacks, and other exciting abilities
  • a standalone, advanced rule system which adds depth to the core 5th Edition rules while maintaining full compatibility

Level Up Rule Previews

Level Up: 5th Edition overhauls the 5th Edition’s SRD and puts an entirely new spin on it. To that end, there have been changes made to the core classes. These adjustments add more flexibility to “classic” options like barbarians, monks, and paladins:

  • The barbarian is now the berserker, reflecting a wider range of rage-based character concepts, such as a gleaming platemail-clad elven Queensguard.
  • The monk is now the adept, allowing for more unarmed archetypes like burly brawlers and exalted athletes.
  • The paladin is now the herald, named not after a specific order of mail-clad holy knights but allowing for a wide range of holy champions.

You can check out the full list of classes and their subclasses right here. Check it out! You’ll get a taste of what other changes lie in store. For example, take a look at the new Marshal class. It promises everything you’d want out of a battlefield commander.

Advanced 5th Edition: Trials & Treasure

Trials & Treasures is a guide for narrators who want to run more in-depth adventures. The book includes rules for new magic items and a crafting system. You’ll also find rules for going on journeys, including rules for creating regions full of dungeons, monsters, social encounters, and more.

Advanced 5th Edition: Monstrous Menagerie

In Menagerie, you’ll find almost 600 monsters, variants, and templates to use to customize your own encounters.

This 550-page hardcover, spearheaded by Paul Hughes of the Blog of Holding, completely revamps the 5E monsters you already know with new monster math, CR calculations, encounter building rules, variants, and useful tables for each monster such as names, signs, behavior, lair features, encounters, treasure, and more. Read more about our monster tools.

There are elite monsters, too. We got to see the revamped Tarrasque a short while ago:

But accompanying each monster’s stat blocks are rules for behavior, adventure hooks, names, and more. Want to see more? Here are some previews:

Back Level Up On Kickstarter

Happy Adventuring!

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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