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HomeMiniature WargamesWarhammer 40kWarhammer 40K: New Black Templar’s Reinforcements Are A Call-Out To The Past

Warhammer 40K: New Black Templar’s Reinforcements Are A Call-Out To The Past

The Black Templar’s have some more new models on the way  and they are a retro call out – Primaris style!

I’m not sure how Games Workshop did it but they did. What did they do? Well, somehow, they have managed to update the Black Templars with Primaris Marines and at the same time make them look like their retro artwork. It’s been a fairly impressive update thus far and the nods to their old art and style are all over the place. Don’t believe me? Then you need to see these new models.

via Warhammer Community

This is a new model coming – it’s the Castellan which is effectively a Black Templar Lieutenant. And this model in particular is a DIRECT recreation of the artwork from the Black Templars:

That’s basically a 1:1 recreation. But it’s a Primaris Marine! It’s both retro and new and GW pretty much nailed it. But the Castellan isn’t the only new Black Templar Model on the way…

“The Sword Brethren have also had an almighty glow-up. This elite squad can wield a diverse array of melee weapons, including thunder hammers and lightning claws, to beat and slash some faith into the most formidable opponents.”

Sword Brethren

A Primaris Marine with Lightning Claws?! Oh snap…And that’s just the start…

So many fancy bits and weapons for the zealous to choose – what to do! Man, wouldn’t it be nice is there was some sort of upgrade pack that you could use to convert the existing kits into Black Templars?

Why yes, yes it would be cool! Check out all these new options:

That’s a load of really awesome bits! Lot’s of shoulderpads, weapons, and extras that will convert your Primaris marine into the (over) zealous Black Templars! There’s even some very impressive looking relics you can use to spice up your army:

Okay…is anyone else wishing that GW would make “Relic Packs” for their respective chapters now? For example, if you had a Blood Angel’s character with the Hammer of Baal, GW had a specific relic bit for that like the ones above? Just sayin…

And how about that Multi-Melta for a Repulsor? The Black Templars are really forging ahead on to some new territory with their weapon options. It’s only a matter of time until we see other chapters get the same options, right? It happened with the Land Raider Crusader and I wouldn’t be shocked if all the over weapon upgrades also got ported over to the rest of the Marines.

If you’re ready for the Black Templars to make a return then you won’t have to wait TOO much longer. Their army set is up for pre-order this weekend and that means the rest of their stuff shouldn’t be too far behind.

Here comes the most zealous marines ever!

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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