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HomeNewsGeneral NewsWizKids Reveals Two 'D&D Idols of the Realms' Sets

WizKids Reveals Two ‘D&D Idols of the Realms’ Sets

WizKids revealed two D&D Idols of the Realms: Boneyard 2D sets, Set 1 and Set 2, for release in December.

This relatively new line of acrylic miniatures is an inexpensive way for GMs to accumulate a large assortment of miniatures. Each set contains various Boneyard monsters such as Avatar of Death, Mindwitness, and Death Knight. These sets come 30 units to a master carton.

Each set will retail for $14.99.

WizKids also recently previewed four sets of D&D Idols of the Realms: Essentials 2D Miniatures (see “Essentials 2D Miniatures’ Packs“).

Click on Gallery below for full-size images!

Source: ICV2

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