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HomeNewsComic Book NewsPreview: Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #3

Preview: Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #3

Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #3

writer: Dan Abnett
artist: Alessandro Miracolo
covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Alessandro Miracolo (C), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (D), Alessandro Miracolo (RI-E/BW), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (RI-F/BW), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-G/BW), Lucio Parrillo (RI-H/BW)
FC | 32 pages | SciFi/ Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+

John and Dejah are captured! Despite this, Dejah is delights that John cared enough for her to attempt a rescue…perhaps their love is not lost!

But John, headstrong as ever, has handed their enemies exactly what they want…

The epic continues, from DAN ABNETT (Justice League Odyssey) and ALESSANDRO MIRACOLO (Red Sonja)!

Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #3

Source: Graphic Policy

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