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HomeMiniature WargamesWarhammer 40kWarhammer 40K: Primaris Reivers Need A Rework

Warhammer 40K: Primaris Reivers Need A Rework

These Terror Troops sure put the TERR in terrible. How can Primaris Reivers become a viable option? Let’s see if we can fix them.

The Primaris Reivers have become the red-headed step child of the Primaris Marines. They don’t really have a place compared to other units and they take up an Elite Slot which can be a pretty competitive slot already. These “Terror Troops” don’t really pack the Close Combat Punch to rival dedicated assault troops, they don’t have the long range firepower to really stand out, and they can’t even sit on an objective better than a Scout Squad.

So how can GW tweak them to make them viable on the tabletop? We’ve got some suggestions…But first, let’s take a look at their rules:

On paper, they don’t seem that terrible. But compared within the context of the entire Space Marine book – they don’t really stand out either. They aren’t significantly cheaper than a Standard Primaris Intercessor. They aren’t super fast either – sure the Grapnel Launchers are cool, but that really only matters if you’re playing with a TON of tall buildings. They also have Grav-chutes which sort of allows them to outflank. And Terror Troops…-2 Leadership sounds scary but how often does leadership actually matter?

But there is some potential there. So let’s go back to the drawing board and see if we can tweak this unit to make it a bit more appealing. We’ve got a list of suggestions and while it would be great if they got ALL of them, that might be a bit overkill. Then again, Reivers kind of need it…

Take Them Out Of The Elite Slot

This seems pretty self-explanatory. There’s a lot of competition in that slot and maybe you’re running Vanguard Detachment or something that has Elite slots to spare. But how high up are Reivers on your list of units you want to take? Move them to Fast Attack or even the Troops slot and suddenly they get more interesting.

Honestly, moving them to the Troops slot solves a few more problems. It’s also the most obvious and easiest fix. A Fast Attack option also seems to fit the role of Reivers also. We used to believe that Reivers were just Primaris Scout Marines and Scouts are now Elites. But realistically, they are probably closer to Assault Marines these days. Plus with the other ‘Phobos Armor’ wearing units, the Troop slots is looking plenty full.

The again, the whole Marine Book is looking crowded these days – but that’s a whole OTHER issue.

Buff Their Close Combat Prowess

Here’s where we start to get into some controversial waters. Again, on paper, they should be pretty good here. They have 2 attacks base and with Combat Knives they get an additional attack. PLUS if you factor in their pistols, they get to shoot in close combat, effectively giving them an additional attack. That’s 4 attacks! So what’s the problem? Plain and simple: Their AP Sucks.

Their Special Issue Bolt Pistol does pack a -2 and that’s certainly useful – but that’s only 1 attack. These guys would have a rough time taking on a squad of Tactical Marines. A simple fix would be to bump up their AP or Damage on their Combat Knives. Maybe rename them to “Reiver Combat Blades” and give them a point or two of AP and up the damage by 1. Suddenly that unit is REALLY scary in close combat. 3 attacks at Str 4 with a -2 AP and 2 Damage Each? Yeah, even that Tactical Squad is sweating now!

Oh – and whatever happened to their Shock Grenade attack? In previous versions, that was a wargear item that at least allow them to get into combat without taking Overwatch. I guess with the changes to Overwatch those weren’t really needed. Still – Reivers could use something to help them get into combat more consistently (if people were actually taking them in the first place).

Put The Terror Back In Terror Troops

Terror Troops needs a complete overhaul. What if instead of modifying an enemies leadership, it did something no one else can do in the game? Here at BoLS we came up with an idea that we think would really make the Reivers worth taking. If none of the other changes happen, this one is the one we REALLY want. Terror Troops should be re-worked so that it removes “Objective Secured” (or whatever the enemy equivalent rule) from an enemy unit while the Reivers are within 6″ of them.

Think about it – these guys are supposed to be terrifying! If they get within range of an objective, no enemy units can claim it as long as they are around. That would make a HUGE impact on objective based missions. It would also paint a giant target on the backs on the Reivers – but that’s kind of the point. Making them useful also makes them a threat that has to be dealt with. That makes them worth taking.

Alright BoLS Readers – time to put on your Jr. Game Designer Hats. How would you make the Reivers “worth” taking in the Space Marine Army? Let us know you suggestions in the comments!

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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