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HomeNewsGames NewsThe Sacred Land Expansion for Horizon Zero Dawn Available to Pre-Order

The Sacred Land Expansion for Horizon Zero Dawn Available to Pre-Order

September 13, 2021 by Polar_Bear

Steamforged is bringing you more content for your Horizon Zero Dawn board game. They’ve begun taking pre-orders for the upcoming The Sacred Land set. Five new enemy types and two new hunters to track them down. Head over and get your name on the list to get yours as soon as it’s available.

From the website:

Most hunters don’t get the chance to enter Nora territory. Isolationist and insular, the Nora are fiercely protective of their home. Now, seize your chance to set foot on sacred land with The Sacred Land Expansion for Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game.

Discover a brand new way to hunt as the Nora Trapper and Nora Scavenger, upgrading your hunters with unique new items and equipment as you prove your skills. 

Hunt five new enemy types across wild new terrain tiles, learning how the unfamiliar land can help you hunt — or leave you vulnerable to the Redeye Watchers, Snapmaws, and Bellowbacks that stalk the wilderness. It might be a good idea to set some traps…

With two new hunters to play as, five new enemy machine types to face, new encounters to test your skills, and unique new items and equipment to upgrade your hunters, The Sacred Land Expansion will add a fresh challenge to your Horizon Zero Dawn Board Game campaigns.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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