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HomeMiniature WargamesWarhammer 40kWarhammer 40K: Your Favorite ‘Bad’ Units

Warhammer 40K: Your Favorite ‘Bad’ Units

Everyone has their favorite unit that they know is terrible.

Every army’s got them. Those units that just can’t quite get the job done, or compete with the other units in the army. They might be too expensive, too fragile, not killy enough, or only useful in ransom corner-cases, but, in spite of it all you can’t help but use them time after time. Even knowing that you could be making a better choice from either a fluff or tactics perspective, let’s talk about those units that we definitely have a healthy relationship with.

For me, it’s Tau Stealth Suits. Whether they’re the sexy original models:

Or the sultry newer ones:

…there’s just something about them that I can’t get away from. They’re definitely too expensive for what they do as they have a hard time earning back their points. They can put out some decent firepower but get out shined by lots of other options in the T’au army for the same points.

And they aren’t even as durable as the drones swarms we saw come to prevalence last edition. But I can’t help it–I love these suits!

In spite of all that, I keep trying to live the dream. The idea of an elite strike team that can jet around doing what they want is enduring. In theory they’re a multipurpose unit that you can take against infantry or vehicles. And that idea is very cool to me. Most of the Tau army is hyperfocused on killing either light infantry or heavy armor, and these guys seem like they could fill a cool role in the force.

Plus they look so good on the tabletop. And when they come in handy, it feels amazing to live that roll-all-sixes dream.

And I know I’m not the only one. Adam Harry has a soft spot for Carnifexes and always finds room for them. He love his Screamer-Killers.

Not Screamer-killers but still Carnifexes.

So with that in mind, I wanna know what units you can’t help but take, even when you know there’s a better choice. What unit do you know is considered BAD but you can’t help but take them anyhow? What are your fan favorite units?

What units do you take that you know could be swapped out for better options but you don’t care?

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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