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HomeTabletop RPGDungeons & DragonsD&D: Five Spells To Beat The Heat

D&D: Five Spells To Beat The Heat

It’s the height of summer and your adventuring party is wearing leather and metal–here are five spells to help beat the heat and keep cool.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading, watching, and playing games set in “Fantasy” time periods, it’s that everyone wears a whole lot of clothes. Especially really hot clothes, like furs, and leather, and lots of heavy metal and lots of capes, buckles, and ornaments that don’t really seem to do anything.

A lot of asymmetric shoulder pauldrons. But, while those clothes might look cool, in reality they’re the exact opposite. And if your character is wearing their standard fantasy look in the midst of summer? You’re going to be drenched in sweat. But what else can you do? Take off your armor? That’s when you get ambushed. No thank you.

Instead, here are five spells to beat the summer heat.


This spell really does do it all. If you’re a Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard, Warlock, or Artificer it’s well worth picking up, but especially because you can use it to chill, warm, of flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour. Just chill your shirt or your cloak or whatever armor you’re wearing and you’ll be good for up to an hour at a time.

Tiny Hut

This spell is a little less mobile, but when you’re out in unfamiliar territory, or even if you just wanna get away from the elements for a time, Tiny Hut is the way to go. It takes 1 minute to cast, but it gets you a 10-foot-radius dome of force that, while immobile, is also nigh-impenetrable. Within the doom, you can comfortably fit you and up to 9 of your friends, which always keeps the atmosphere inside “comfortable and dry,” regardless of whatever the outside is like.

Control Water

This spell is one of those weird 4th level spells that isn’t Banishment or Polymorph or Black Tentacles, so it doesn’t get nearly as much time to shine. Which is a shame, because Control Water lets you instantaneously shape and redirect the flow of water, using it to either instantly create a giant wave to douse and cool your party, or if you keep your concentration up–you can even turn it into a Water Slide and be the toast of your fantasy world.

Armor of Agathys

When it gets too hot outside, then why not surround yourself with a rime of frost that grants you extra hit points and lasts for about an hour per spell slot as well. This spell is one way to keep cool, literally,

Control Weather

We round things out with Control Weather, the ultimate spell for adjusting the temperature to be the way you want it to be. You can cut the heat down, call up a cooling wind, and even summon a light summer shower if you want.

The perfect recipe for keeping you and the rest of your party cool. How else would you beat the heat?

Happy Adventuring!

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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