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HomeMiniature WargamesWarhammer 40K: Five Changes A New Imperial Guard Codex Need

Warhammer 40K: Five Changes A New Imperial Guard Codex Need

Let’s look at some changes we need to see when the next Astra Militarum Codex comes out.

It seems likely that Astra Militarum are going to get a new codex at sometime in the not-so-distant future. The release of Death Korps of Krieg models and updated Cadian’s points towards this. We’ve also got some smaller releases like the Gaunt’s Ghosts. With that said let’s take a look at a couple of things I’d like to see changed when the new book does come out.

Add In Lascarbines


I’ve already talked about how Lascarbines, as shown off in the Gaunt’s Ghosts unit might be a thing in a new IG book. I’d really like to see this be a thing in the new book. As well as just adding carbines I’d like some changes, as I discussed, made to las-guns as well. I think this could really shake things up. On a personal note Lascarbines are something I added to the BoLS Macharian Crusade play aid we put out some 10+ years ago, back in the early days of the site. Having them make it into the core Codex would be pretty cool on a personal level.

Bring Back Platoons

Older version of the Guard Codex used what was a called a Platoon system. Instead of buying individual infantry squads, you would buy an infantry platoon. Normally the platoon would come base with an officer/command squad and a few Infantry Squads. You could then add additional units to the platoon, such as more infantry squads and sometimes support squads. These would all count as a single troop choice. At other times you could take Tank or Heavy Weapon platoons as well with a similar structure. I think this is a great thing to bring back as it both helps set Guard, and their organizational structure apart, and lets them side-step the rule of 3 a little with some units, such as Heavy Weapon squads and even Platoon Commanders, that shouldn’t suffer from it.

Bring Back Rough Riders

Rough Riders are a classic Old School Guard unit. On the one hand, the idea of cavalry in modern war is a little silly (or maybe not, as the occasional mounted charge still takes place around the world in recent conflicts). The idea of them is also however super 40K and pretty badass. Be it on normal horses, or strange mechanical death ones they are a rad idea, and plenty of other armies have mounted troops.  With new Krieg models, cavalry seems even more relevant today and they should be brought back after the 8th Edition Codex ditched them.

Focus On Non-Cadians

In all honesty, Guard are one of the armies’ that could do well with a few supplement books. Indeed they’ve had them in the past, with regiments like Catachans, Kreig, and Scions having their own separate rules. I’d like something a little extra special to help set apart the regiments and maybe spread some focus away from ubiquitous Cadians.

Make Infantry Worthwhile

Guard infantry really struggled in 8th Edition. A Lot of fundamental changes to the game ended up with them being in a very bad place. Sure they got used a fair bit in soup lists, but it was as cheap cannon fodder and to fill out detachments for CP, not for their actual combat value.  In 9th Edition they have become increasingly irrelevant. With a lot of units get more survivable, it now takes something like 100 Guard infantry at close range and under orders to kill a single Tactical Squad. At the same time, many 9th armies have only gotten more deadly. This has pushed Guard down to one of the bottom spots in the overall game power. It’s clear they need a major boost. I’m just hoping it will make infantry, and not just tanks, useful.

Let us know what change you think should be made, down in the comments! 

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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